Case Study | Acoustic Consultancy for HKU New Academic Building for Faculty of Business and Economic
The HKU new academic building for the Faculty of Business and Economics is a capital development complex becoming the HKU landmark. The...
Case Study | Acoustic Consultancy for HKU New Academic Building for Faculty of Business and Economic
Case Study | Audio-Visual Consultancy for HKUST Shaw Auditorium
Collaboration | AEC Group Enriched Art Exhibition with Hearty Experience of Human Senses
Case Study | The New Animal Attraction & Associated Facilities - Ocean Park HK
Case Study | Helicopter Noise Impact Assessment in Tai Po
Case Study | Combining Natural Landscape and Modern Designs - Hangzhou Joe Lalli Narada Resort
Case Study | Integrated design services to the hall covering acoustics, audio-visuals and lighting
Case Study | Perfecting The Outdoor Concert Experience - Clockenflap Music Festival 2016